Announcement about Premium version
Published: 2024-06-25
I am glad to announce a partnership between me (Jan Prochazka, DbGate developer) and Sprinx Systems company. We decided to create new product from DbGate, DbGate Premium, with commercial license and paid support. Also we are commited to support opensource world, so current DbGate will remain as free and opensource product (newly under GPL-3.0 license).
Sprinx is czech software company, which specializes in the development, sale, implementation, and management of business systems, the development of web solutions and specialized applications, provides hosting and application management services, and is a major supplier of High Performance Computing products.
What DbGate Premium will offer?
DbGate Premium will be offered primarily as web version, to be installed as docker container. The first release is planned to September 2024.
- All from DbGate FREE
- Email support
- Administration console
- User management
- Connection management
- OAuth and LDAP configuration
- Role base permission system
- Azure SQL support
- Cosmos DB support
What DbGate FREE will offer?
There are no plans to make any limitations of current desktop version. Because DbGate FREE and Premium shares the same codebase, DbGate FREE will profit from fixes and improvements made for its paid brother.
Web version for FREE edition will support only single user declared in ENV variables (OAuth and LDAP protocols will be supported only in Premium version).