Version 4.4.0 - database compare tool

Published: 2021-09-20

The main highlight of this release in database schema compare tool. It can compare tables with keys, connstraints and indexes, and also views, stored procedures and functions. It works on all supported database engines (MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MariaDB, CockroachDB, Redshift). Database compare tool is super fast, compare to other DB compare tools, as it uses already cached DB models.


DB Deploy - experimental

In experimental state is the deploy feature - you can deploy changes detected by compare tool to target database. Also you can download DB model into YAML and SQL files and deploy it to database, from DB Gate GUI or from command line. This powerful feature will be more described in standalone article.


You know this feature from spreadsheet software - after clicking of columns, you can quickly filter values. In DbGate, this feature can be used on all columns with foreign keys to lookup referenced tables.


Changelog after 4.3.0 version


  • ADDED: Database structure compare, export report to HTML
  • ADDED: Experimental: Deploy DB structure changes between databases
  • ADDED: Lookup dialog, available in table view on columns with foreign key
  • ADDED: Customize foreign key lookups
  • ADDED: Chart improvements, export charts as HTML page
  • ADDED: Experimental: work with DB model, deploy model, compare model with real DB
  • ADDED: #193 new SQLite db command
  • CHANGED: #190 code completion improvements
  • ADDED: #189 Copy JSON document - context menu command in data grid for MongoDB
  • ADDED: #191 Connection to POstgreSQL can be defined also with connection string
  • ADDED: #187 dbgate-query-splitter: Transform stream support
  • CHANGED: Upgraded to node 12 in docker app
  • FIXED: Upgraded to node 12 in docker app
  • FIXED: Fixed import into SQLite and PostgreSQL databases, added integration test for this


  • FIXED: Delete row with binary ID in MySQL (#182)
  • ADDED: Using ‘ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server’ or ‘SQL Server Native Client 11.0’, when connecting to MS SQL using windows auth #183


  • ADDED: Generate SQL from data (#176 - Copy row as INSERT/UPDATE statement)
  • ADDED: Datagrid keyboard column operations (Ctrl+F - find column, Ctrl+H - hide column) #180
  • FIXED: Make window remember that it was maximized
  • FIXED: Fixed lost focus after copy to clipboard and after inserting SQL join


  • FIXED: Sorted database list in PostgreSQL (#178)
  • FIXED: Loading stricture of PostgreSQL database, when it contains indexes on expressions (#175)
  • ADDED: Hotkey Shift+Alt+F for formatting SQL code


  • FIXED: #173 Using key phrase for SSH key file connection
  • ADDED: #172 Abiloity to quick search within database names
  • ADDED: Database search added to command palette (Ctrl+P)
  • FIXED: #171 fixed PostgreSQL analyser for older versions than 9.3 (matviews don’t exist)
  • ADDED: DELETE cascade option - ability to delete all referenced rows, when deleting rows