Database models
With DbGate, you could compare database structure, deploy database models and make other DB modelling tasks in a very quick and way.
Compare database
Compare two databases - find differences in table columns, in VIEW definitions or in other SQL objects
Synchronize database structure - perform actions to synchonize structure
Compare database and YAML model - compare real database against model in YAML format, deploy changes from YAML to real database
Many settings - you could eg. ignore foreign keys, specify, which objects to ignore or which synchronize actions to perform

Table structure editor
Define columns, data types, primary and foreign keys for new or existing tables
Support specific table properties, like MySQL table engine
SQL preview - you could check generated SQL before saving to database
Table recreate warning - when table must be recreated, because of specific database limitations, DbGate warns you and lets you to check generated script

Deployable database models
Scaffolding DB model to folder - save model of existing database to selected folder or to single JSON file
Simple YAML files for tables - you could save your DB model in GIT repo and maintain it easily
SQL definition files - for other objects like views, stored procedures, functions
Visual or command-line deploy - deploy changes using Compare tool, or from commnad line, as part of your CI/CD pipeline