
Quick and easy interface

DbGate runs on all main desktop platforms. The web-based app is the same as desktop app and is available via various distribution channels. Team-premium edition contains administration of authentication, users, connections and roles.

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Data browser and editor

Many filtering options, browse related tables. Use master-detail views and foreign key lookups for easy navigation between your database relationships. Edit data with batch-updates and macros.

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Query editor

Execute queries with parameters support, keep queries in query history and use auto-complete suggestions. Usa AI assistant to generate or update your quxeries.

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Import and export

Import and export multiple tables in one batch. Many supported formats, such as SQL, CSV, JSON, XML, NDJSON, Excel, DBF or YAML.

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Query designer, ER diagrams

Query designer, able to make joins between SQL tables, MongoDB collections and CosmosDB containers. Display ER diagrams and charts, show GEO data on map. Export charts,maps and diagrams as HTML page.

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Database models

Compare structure of you databases and save model locally. You can deploy model from GUI or from CLI, so it could be part of your CI/CD process.

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Administration interface

Use administration interface for manage your connections, users, roles and permissions for your team. Configure other settings like authentication.

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